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The integration currently fires the following events:


Will be fired on start and end of a cleaning job and has the following structure:

  • cleaning_id: cleaning id
  • status: status of job
  • type: cleaning type

The following keys are only available at the end of a cleaning:

  • area: cleaned area
  • content: Depends on the type
    • Ids of the rooms, when type=spotArea
    • Coordinates when type=customArea
  • time: duration in seconds


When status=finished than the content can be trusted to be cleaned. Otherwise we cannot be sure. The vacuum unfortunately only sends this inaccurate status.


Only for advanced users

The reason for this event is only to give advanced users the possibility to try/use a command, which is not implemented yet.

This integration supports also sending "raw" commands to the vacuum. If your model supports the command and a response will be received, it will be fired with this event. The event data depends on which command was send.

Some commands are documented under advanced.

Example getLifeSpan

To send a custom command, we use the service vacuum.send_command. From the getLifeSpan documentation, we get the following information:

  • command name is getLifeSpan
  • the arguments is a list of components from which we want to get the life span.

With the above information, we can write a similar service call: My vacuum only supports a subset of the documented components.

service: vacuum.send_command
  entity_id: vacuum.YOUR_ROBOT_NAME
  command: getLifeSpan
    - sideBrush
    - brush
    - heap

After executing the command the event deebot_custom_command is fired will a similar response:


The interesting part is normally inside response->body->data, if data present.

  "event_type": "deebot_custom_command",
  "data": {
    "name": "getLifeSpan",
    "response": {
      "header": {
        "pri": 1,
        "tzm": 480,
        "ts": "1312811509056",
        "ver": "0.0.1",
        "fwVer": "1.8.2",
        "hwVer": "0.1.1"
      "body": {
        "code": 0,
        "msg": "ok",
        "data": [
            "type": "sideBrush",
            "left": 2378,
            "total": 9000
            "type": "brush",
            "left": 6569,
            "total": 18000
            "type": "heap",
            "left": 3348,
            "total": 7200
  "origin": "LOCAL",
  "time_fired": "2022-04-24T22:30:57.187634+00:00",
  "context": {
    "id": "[REMOVED]",
    "parent_id": null,
    "user_id": null

As specified in the docs, the unit of left is minutes, meaning e.g. I can use the brush for another 6569 minutes.